50,000 sq ft pre let to Kaplan Financial in Holloway Road, N7

Acting on behalf of a private client, Hanover Green have secured the surrender of 28,461 sq ft of basic D1 space let to London Metropolitan University at Spring House Block C and the adjoining 40-44 Holloway Road. This was then pre let simultaneously to Kaplan Financial together with 22,192 sq ft in Spring House, Block A were the previous lease had just expired.

The space is currently undergoing an upgrade as part of a new 15 year lease deal to provide new educational training facilities for the tenant.The overall rent acheived reflected £25 psf.

Hanover Green acted for the owners of the buildings.


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Hanover Green LLP
Sackville House
40 Piccadilly
London W1J 0DR

T: +44 (0) 20 3130 6400
E: sholmes@hanovergreen.co.uk